Start Living Healthy Life Style with Happiness
How to lose your weight without quieting your favourite food ?
30 Days Weight Loss Challenge.
- Personalized Coaching
- Weight Loss
- Weight gain
- On line workouts
- Support Community
- Wellness Marathons
- Post Pregnancy Weight Loss
- Healthy Active lifestyle
Here what you get after Joining with us
Everyday Moring Session with expert Coaches with Easy & effective 30 Min Live workout which you can do from your Home and also you get the Knowledge .
From “I CANNOT DO IT” to “Yes I DID IT”
A coach helps you to bring the desired results you are looking for by guiding you in a step by step process
Bad habits can delay your results and a coach helps you to change your habits to bring faster results.
Having proper knowledge helps you to have lifelong good health and fitness levels. We don’t get this knowledge in our schools.
Your personal wellness coaches are available for you round the clock to support your health goals and guide you.
Yes, I need this! Save my seat today.
Join the step-by-step training and Sessions.
Create a healthy lifestyle that fits well into a busy schedule without having to feel motivated to do so every day.
Discover the exact system established by experienced Coaches to get well-nourished and stay fit.
Discover the amazing power of the mind to help you stay fit and healthy.
Understanding the Science Behind Daily HABITS.
Reprogramming your mind to work on take daily routine and reduces your extra FAT.
Building daily routines for beautiful and Amazing life.
Know your Coach
Hi , My name is Rashmi Dubey .I am a certified International wellness Coach. I have been already trained 200+ people who are living with a healthy lifestyle from the comfort of their homes. Previously I worked as a Senior Micro Biologist in top Pharma companies of India from last 9 years.
I personally experienced how difficult it is to be a with extra body fat, After I changed my lifestyle and maintained daily routine and lose my 17 kg weight from body.
Now I am helping working professionals, entrepreneurs and homemakers to live a healthy and excellent lifestyle.
let me help you to overcome that state and guide you towards a healthy lifestyle.
Let’s get started with your journey toward a healthy and fit lifestyle.
Register for lifestyle management

Rashmi Dubey
Health & Wellness Coach
Our Happy Wellness Family Members

“I have never expected reduce 35 weight in 6 months with eating healthy foods, I am die hard fan of rice with Chole and I can’t believe survive without it. Right guidance has so much power as I feel super active..”
Ravi Sukla

It was very good experiences. I have lost 15Kg weight with Good inches lost, I have got ridden of junk food addiction. After joining this session with the guidance of Rashmi I’ve completely free from my addiction.”
Gurpreet Singh

“I am very happy that I enrolled for the session. I am able to overcome my Addiction over tea and coffee. I have lost 10 kg weight in three months in guidance of Rashmi..”
Reach Us
Flat no. 203,
Param Arvind enclave,
SRIT Colony Bbudharaja Sambalpur,Odisha
Pin - 768004, Mobile - 83688 80884
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